Ride Snowboards' 4th Annual SNOWBOARD ART Design Competition will be held and exhibited in Seattle, WA beginning in February 2006 (exact date and location TBD). This year's Grand Prize winner will receive $1000 cash and a one-of-a-kind Ride Snowboard featuring the winning artwork. The Top 50 works including Best of Show, Runner-Ups and Honorable Mentions will be exhibited online at www.ridesnowboards.com and www.artlinksteamboat.com.
Important Dates:
On or before Dec. 15, 2005, contestants must send the Intent to Enter form including a rough sketch of their concept and the entry fee to Ride Snowboards. Contestants then have one month to finish up and submit final entries by January 16, 2006.
For all the details:
(click on Culture, then Snowboard Art IV).